Greetings, dear readers. Have you ever come across songs that are impossible not to sing along? Those kind of tunes that get stuck in your head, and before you know it, you’re belting out the chorus like you’re on stage? Well, we’ve got some rhythmic gems that fall into this category, and they’re called “repeat after me” camp songs.

These campfire creations invite you to repeat back lines, creating a call-and-response musical exchange. With no shortage of catchy melodies and amusing lyrics, prepare yourself to become fully immersed in the campfire sing-along culture.



“The Wheels on the Bus” – Traditional

“The Wheels on the Bus” is a traditional camp song that can be led as a Repeat After Me game. With its catchy melody and simple lyrics, this energetic song is perfect for getting kids engaged and having fun. The interactive aspect of the song encourages kids to follow along while also allowing for individual creativity in the various verses and actions that can be added to the song.

Overall, “The Wheels on the Bus” is a quintessential camp song that never fails to bring a smile and a bit of joy to those who sing it.


“She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain” – Traditional

This is a groovy tune with a catchy melody and interactive lyrics. It’s a classic sing-along campfire song that’s perfect for group participation. The lyrics encourage call-and-response style singing, prompting the campers to shout out the next verse.

With a fun and upbeat tempo, “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain” is a perennial favorite that’s sure to get everyone fired up and joining in on the fun. It’s no wonder why it’s been enjoyed generation after generation!


“If You’re Happy and You Know It” – Traditional

“If You’re Happy and You Know It” is a popular song sung in many camps as a “repeat after me” song. With its catchy melody and playful lyrics, campers can easily follow along and join in on the fun.

The song prompts campers to mimic different actions, such as clapping their hands or stomping their feet, which adds an interactive element to the performance. It’s a staple in many camps and a great way to get campers energized and engaged.


“The Ants Go Marching” – Traditional

This next track on our lineup of call-and-response songs at camp is a true classic. It’s all about those hardworking little insects who march and work in perfect harmony. With its upbeat melody and catchy lyrics, this tune will have everyone joining in and “anting-up” for a fun time. Get ready to raise your voice and march along to this beloved camp song.


“Boom Chicka Boom” – The Learning Station

“Boom Chicka Boom” is a popular, interactive camp song that requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm from its participants. It involves repeating various phrases and actions (such as shouting “boom chicka boom” and mimicking animal noises) with increasing intensity and speed as the song progresses. The song’s fast-paced and repetitive nature makes it a great choice for campfire sing-alongs and group bonding activities.


“Down by the Bay” – The Learning Station

“Down by the Bay” is a classic and whimsical repeat-after-me camp song. Its absurdity and spontaneity make it a beloved favorite among campers of all ages. With its unpredictable and incongruous imagery, this song will have you repeating outlandish rhymes along with your fellow campers in no time.


“John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” – Traditional

This classic camp song is a tongue-twister that challenges its young participants to keep pace with its quick, repetitive lyrics. With its catchy rhythm and cheerful tune, it encourages group participation and fosters a sense of unity through its “call and response” structure. Its simple melody is easy to pick up, while its playful lyrics create a fun, lighthearted atmosphere that is


“Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” – Traditional

“Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” is a timeless camp song meant to stimulate a playful and active environment by having everyone follow the lead of the teacher or camp counselor. This rhythmic tune encourages children to repeat the actions and words of the leader- touching their head, shoulders, knees, and toes- at an increasing pace.

As the song picks up speed, it become more challenging, leaving participants out of breath, but always smiling. This song is an essential classic in repeat after me song circles and a must-know for all campers!


“Alice the Camel” – Traditional

” Alice the Camel” is a humorous and repetitive song that encourages campers to sing along and move their bodies to mimic the actions of a stubborn camel. With the song’s catchy melody and silly lyrics, it’s a favorite among children and adults alike. As the song progresses, each verse adds a new layer of absurdity, leaving its audience in fits of giggles by the end.

With its ability to engage campers and create a fun, communal atmosphere, “Alice the Camel” is a great addition to any repeat-after-me camp song repertoire.


“Little Bunny Foo Foo” – Traditional

The little known song about Little Bunny Foo Foo is a favorite among repeat after me camp songs. The catchy tune encourages campers to repeat the lyrics after the leader and adds a playful twist with interactive hand motions. A perfect example of a song that gets campers engaged and having fun, while also honing their listening and memory skills.

Its playful and repetitive nature is a hit with campers of all ages and is sure to be a favorite for years to come.


“The More We Get Together” – Traditional

The folksy, upbeat campfire tune is a favorite among young campers and encourages them to join in and sing-along. Its simplistic lyrics and catchy melody make it an ideal “repeat after me” song, providing a fun and interactive experience for all ages.

With its call-and-response format and playful tone, this tune is perfect for warming up a group and bringing people together through music. Its popularity and staying power make it a timeless classic among campfire songs.


“Miss Mary Mack” – Traditional

This beloved camp song involves a playful call-and-response structure where participants repeat after each other in a rhythmic and entertaining manner. The lyrics of the song feature a sequence of actions performed by the titular character, Miss Mary Mack, which culminate in a toe-tapping and energizing tune that is sure to delight all camp goers.

With its infectious melody and simple yet engaging lyrics, this song is a must-have addition to any repeat-after-me song repertoire.


“Apples and Bananas” – Traditional

As you delve into the realm of “repeat after me camp songs,” one piece that is sure to captivate your mind is the classic “Apples and Bananas.” This tune will keep your vocal cords vibrating as you mimic the ever-evolving lyrics that produce a baffling yet amusing sound.

With a total of five different vowel sounds blended throughout the chorus, this song will certainly keep you on your toes. Get ready for a playful, tongue-twisting, and delightful musical experience that you won’t soon forget!


“Do Your Ears Hang Low?” – Traditional

“Do Your Ears Hang Low?” is a fun and interactive “repeat after me” camp song that encourages children to mimic the actions of a teapot. With its bouncy tempo and playful lyrics, this catchy tune is a perennial favorite of both campers and counselors alike.

As the leader sings each line, campers echo the tune and join in the corresponding gestures, while also adding their own silly twists and turns. The energetic call-and-response style of “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” is sure to keep even the most restless campers engaged, making it an ideal choice for any outdoor adventure.


“I’m a Little Teapot” – Traditional

This gem is perfect for camp sing-alongs and features a memorable melody that will have everyone singing along. The verses are short and simple, making it easy to learn and repeat after the leader. The upbeat tempo and whimsical lyrics are sure to inspire laughter and fun in campers of all ages. So whether you’re singing it around the campfire or on a nature walk, “I’m a Little Teapot” is a classic tune that never fails to be a crowd-pleaser.


“The Hokey Pokey” – Traditional

This catchy and interactive tune is sure to get everyone up on their feet, following along to the instructions in the lyrics. Its infectious rhythm and call-and-response structure make it a perfect fit for the “repeat after me” style of camp songs. Get your hands (and body) moving to the beat as you sing along to the traditional lyrics of this timeless classic.


“B-I-N-G-O” – Traditional

This track is a popular choice for “repeat after me” chants at summer camps and other group activities. Its catchy melody and rhythmic clapping make it easy for everyone to follow along and learn the simple lyrics. The song is rooted in traditional children’s music and has been passed down through generations.

Its simple structure and call-and-response format make it a great choice for building community and fostering a sense of togetherness. Fans of this song often appreciate its lively and playful energy, which is sure to get anyone singing and clapping along.


“Five Little Monkeys” – Traditional

“Five Little Monkeys” is a classic camp song that engages children with its playful lyrics and catchy tune. The song’s repetition encourages participation, making it a favorite in the “repeat after me” category. Its inclusion in camp traditions highlights the importance of music in fostering a sense of community and creating lasting memories.

With its high degree of interactivity, “Five Little Monkeys” is sure to have campers jumping and singing along in joyous, collective harmony.


“Kookaburra” – Traditional

“Kookaburra” is a rhythmic and bouncy song that is perfect for group singing and chanting. The song features a catchy melody that is easy to follow and repeat, making it a popular choice for campfire performances and sing-alongs. With its simple lyrics and upbeat tempo, “Kookaburra” is a fun and energetic addition to any repeat-after-me camp song playlist.


“Found a Peanut” – Traditional

This funky campfire classic will have campers giggling as they repeat the hilarious lyrics of “Found a Peanut”. The repetitive structure of this simple song is perfect for young campers to learn and engage with each other. The catchy melody and clapping rhythm make it easy to bring campers together and create a fun, playful atmosphere.


“The Name Game” – Shirley Ellis

This track is boisterous and playful, with a catchy call-and-response structure that encourages participation. The tune is both lighthearted and educational, as it uses rhyming to reveal the identity of a mystery person or thing.

Listeners are challenged to repeat a series of increasingly complex names with similarly complex rhymes, making for an entertaining and challenging musical experience. Overall, this upbeat song is perfect for energizing a crowd during a repeat-after-me campfire session.


“Peanut Butter and Jelly” – Traditional

This track is a common inclusion in the “repeat after me” camp songs genre. It serves as a fun way to teach children the names of various foods and also hones their listening and repeating skills.

The lyrics revolve around the sandwich-making process, specifically adding peanut butter and jelly to bread. It’s an upbeat tune that encourages participation and is sure to elicit smiles and giggles from the little ones.


“There’s a Hole in the Bucket” – Traditional

“There’s a Hole in the Bucket” is a repetitive and humorous camp song that tells the story of Liza and Henry, a couple who find themselves stuck in an endless loop of problem-solving. With each verse, Liza presents a problem to Henry, who offers a solution, only to be presented with yet another problem.

The song’s simple melody and easy-to-remember lyrics make it a camp favorite for its participatory “repeat after me” structure and its tongue-twisting wordplay that challenges even the most verbose of campers.


“The Unicorn Song” – The Irish Rovers

The Unicorn Song, performed by The Irish Rovers, is a delightful and catchy tune enjoyed by many at camp gatherings. With an up-tempo beat and joyful lyrics, this song invites campers to sing along and embrace their inner childlike wonder.

Its catchy chorus and easy-to-remember verses make it a popular choice for “repeat after me” camp songs. The lighthearted and whimsical nature of the song will leave campers beaming with joy and excitement.